Many of our local Lighthouses host GameChangers face to face. We also offer a way to connect through Zoom with Suzanne Bennett.

Suzanne has a gift that makes people feel welcome and loved. She joyfully shares her heart and is a great encourager.

Note: We will meet weekly for six weeks to discuss the lessons and pray for each other. You will be able to watch the video lessons together or at your convenience.

GameChangers will change your life as you apply the truths Graham Cooke shares.


Graham is a popular speaker around the world with a passion to empower the people of God to walk in their true identity.  Originally from Manchester, England, he now resides in California with his wife, Theresa.

Our next one on Zoom is March 26- April 30th 12:00 CST/1:00 EST

For more info, contact Debi Fletcher