Prophetic Boot Camp


Basic Training for the 21st Century

We are living in a prophetic age. The Lord said in His Word, And afterward [in the last days], I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days. (Joel 2:28-29) I formerly thought God was referring to pouring His spirit on Christians, but the expression He used was “all flesh” or “all people.”

There is a spiritual hunger and awareness of the supernatural that is being released to the non-believers! This is evidenced by the number of people seeking help through psychics and New Age avenues. Recently I was in Barnes and Noble Bookseller. The book section dealing with the supernatural, occult, New Age, fortune telling, spells, and such as that was close to the size dedicated to authentic Christianity. The enemy is making the most of the spiritual hunger by deceiving people and drawing them into darkness. God is calling the church to step up and be the real deal in a world of counterfeits!

What is the purpose of Prophetic Boot Camp? It is for anyone who wants to learn the basics about the prophetic: what it is, who can participate, how to receive a prophecy and what to do with it. It is to clear up some wrong ideas and to show the difference in the prophetic gifting and prophetic call, the difference between psychics and prophets, and to introduce many different expressions of God speaking to us. Another reason for this manual and interactive workshop is to share the wisdom that I have gained through experience. This wisdom came by stumbling forward and making nearly all the mistakes that could be made! There are valuable lessons that I will share that can save a teachable person much pain and misunderstanding. 

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